The group enjoyed attending The Cool Stars conference in Toulouse in July!
Every member of the group presented a talk at the conference!
Sarah presenting her talk “Influence of Magnetic Cycles on Stellar Prominences and their Mass Loss Rates” in the plenary session!Clara presenting their talk “Stellar magnetic field manifestations: prominences and flares”Moira gives her talk titled “Field linkage and magnetic helicity density”Rose presents their talk virtually, titled “Ejected stellar prominences as a stellar mass loss mechanism”.Simon presenting his talk “Slingshot Prominences, Formation, Ejection and Cycle Frequency in Cool Stars”.
Here we are dressed in aeronautical themed costumes at the conference dinner.
The gang enjoyed meeting up with old friends as well as all of the fantastic science.
Left to right: Moira Jardine, Simon Daley-Yates, Aline Vidotto, Lisa Lehmann, Clara Brasseur, Elsie Lee, Sarah Faller, Joe Llama, Raphael (Raffi) Haywood, Victor See, Gaitee Hussain, Angie Breimann, Andrew Collier Cameron, Tom Wilson, Leslie Hebb, Ancy Anna John,Chris Watson, Josefine Gaarn, Rim Fares
You can also see Rose and Moira’s posters from the conference here: